~ In the Constellation of Taurus (The Bull) ~
On the 12th April 2020
The Pleiades star cluster is now very low in the sky and just above the rooftop of the house across the road; it’s quite hidden in the twilight colours of the evening sky. At the moment we are having some pretty pink and purple sunsets and these colours are showing up in all of my images,
it’s probably due to some dust or smoke particles in the western sky.
Venus is making a lovely celestial triangular shape with the Hyades and Pleiades star clusters and the three objects are all in the constellation of Taurus.
The image was taken with a Canon 70D camera and a Tamron 18-400mm lens on a tripod, I took nine images which were stacked in DSS and processed in PS CS4, with exposure times of 1 second each, ISO 1600.
Below and a wider view of the western sky that includes the Orion constellation which is above the constellation of Taurus…the sky is very light because its only 6.30pm in the evening.