The first thing I noticed was that the Moon was rising further to the southeast than I thought! That meant where I was going to set up the telescope was not suitable because of a large tree, so a new place by the pool was chosen.
I also wanted to see what constellation the Moon would be in during the eclipsed. I could see from where the Moon was tonight that tomorrow evening the red coloured eclipse Moon would be among the stars at the head of Scorpius.
I also needed to know what lens to use to capture a wide field image of the event and what camera settings would be best to use; this is why it’s always best to have a practice run before a special event.
So, I really learnt a lot tonight especially on the best place to set up the telescope and which camera settings to try and capture the eclipsed Moon tomorrow night :-)
I took this image below with my Canon 70D camera and a Sigma 10-20mm lens @ 10mm on a static camera tripod so I could capture a very wide field image. The exposure time was 25 seconds at f8 and ISO 400; I really like the lens flare that looks like a coloured comet :-)
I hope that doesn’t happen tomorrow night!
This image taken with Canon 70D and Tamron 18-400mm lens @60mm; the exposure time was 1 second at f5.6 and ISO100.