Bob Anthony from the Gold Coast Sun who wanted to do a story to inform his readers on this special event contacted me. As with all these special astronomical events, I just love the opportunity to let the public know how easy it is for them to observe and enjoy the event and perhaps help them in taking some images.
Bob Anthony did an excellent article, which not only wrote all the helpful information that I gave him, but also included facts on the eclipse from Professor Bill Boyd from the Southern Cross University.
Thank you Bob, for doing such a wonderful job with the story, the Gold Coast Sun is a FREE community newspaper that goes out to at least 220,000 homes around the Gold Coast and Tweed Heads area.
I could not believe that the picture that was taken with my large refractor telescope and me was on the front page of the newspaper, how cool was that :-)
Good Luck to everyone on Wednesday night, here’s hoping the weather’s kind to us and we see a spectacular event… Noeleen Lowndes :-)
Wednesday 24th January 2018
Written by Bob Anthony
[email protected]