What a great evening it was at the Broadbeach library when over 80 very interested people came to see and hear all about the latest news from the amazing mission to Saturn by the Cassini spacecraft.
The last phase of the mission, which is called ‘The Grand Finale’, has now started and on the 15th September the mission will end spectacularly when the Cassini spacecraft will rocket into the atmosphere of Saturn and the extreme pressure will destroy the spacecraft.
Mission scientists hope to capture so much more detail during the ring plunges and as the spacecraft heads into the gaseous atmosphere of this huge planet it’s hoped many more new discoveries will be made…
After a 20 year mission in space the journey will end for this incredible robotic explorer that earthlings have made which has indeed lifted the veil of many of the mysteries at Saturn….
To find out all the latest about the Cassini mission please go to: https://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov