I was so excited to see such a huge prominence that I ran as fast as I could to grab my camera. I began to take images at 11.20am (AEST) and by 11.45am it had completely disappeared into space…it was just awesome!!!
This material is pure plasma that has exploded away from the Sun it is called a CME a Coronal Mass Ejection…its not facing earth full on but it will probably cause some beautiful auroras around the poles in the next couple of days…keep an eye out on spaceweather.com
I used a Canon 700D camera and a Lunt 80mm solar telescope with a 2x and a 3x barlow lens attached. The colour image is a composite, one set of images for the disc and one set for the faint prominences, which needs a longer exposure to capture; images were then combined in PS CS4.
The monochrome image is a single image of 20 images stacked in Registack6 and lightly processed in PS CS4 :-)