It was so exciting when I looked through the solar scope and saw the whole surface of the Sun totally alive with activity! There was flaring around both of those large sunspot groups, a very long and dark filament and many active prominences…it was fantastic!!!
I also set up my larger refractor telescope and took some white light images of the surface of the Sun to capture those two very large sunspot groups.
The (Ha) image was captured with a Lunt 60mm PT telescope and a Canon 700D camera. I took two sets of images (25 each) one for the disc and one for the faint prominences and combined them in Photoshop. The solar disc images: exposure time 1/320th second and ISO200, prominence exposure time 1/15th Second ISO 200…Images were stacked in RegiStax6 and processed in PS CS4.
The white light images were taken with 127mm refractor fitted with a glass solar filter and using Canon 700D camera with a 2x Barlow lens attached. 25 images captured with exposure time of 1/320th second and ISO200, again stacked in RegiStax6 and processed in PS CS4.

To James Fantozzi of Michigan USA, thank you for the mention on Spaceweather.com that was very kind of you.
I’m so happy to see that you are capturing some great prominence images with your Lunt solar scope and camera.
I tried your suggestion of taking images with the monochrome setting in the camera and to my surprise I like it, the last image is the result!
I’m not very good at colouring a monochrome image yet, but I'm happy with my first try :-)