The sky was just stunning this evening at 6.20pm with brilliant Venus now above the Pleiades star cluster (M45) low in the western sky and to add to the spectacular event were the pretty colours of a purple pink twilight sky…it was just magic!
(The purple pink colours in these two images was very real and pretty)
I was able to capture some images using my camera set-up attached to my tracking HEQ5 mount, but when the planet went further down behind the fence I had to attached my camera to a camera tripod
and go outside to the front lawn.
And the event will not happen again for another eight years in 2028!
What a wonderful celestial show it was :-)
My images were taken with a Canon 70D camera and a Canon 100-400mm lens.
With the first two images, the camera was tracking on a HEQ Pro5 mount, the close up image was taken at 6.20pm, exposure time was 25 seconds and ISO200, and 5 images were stacked in RegiStax6 and processed in PS CS4.
The second image was a wide field with just one single shot taken at 6.35pm, 2 second exposure and ISO1600.
The final image was taken outside on my front lawn at 6.38pm with the camera on a tripod, I shot off nine 1-second images, which were stacked in Registack6 and processed in PS CS4.