To take the first image on the 8th April I had to stop the car and go into the middle of the round-about to get a photo of Venus’s conjunction with the Pleiades star cluster. I rested the camera on top of the road sign to steady it and ‘Wow’ I got my picture. The things we do to capture a photo!
The next two images were taken last night (9th April) while we were having a family BBQ; I noticed a strange pink colour in the eastern sky at 6.15pm? It was all around the sky and realized it must be a phenomenon called dusting! I quickly ran inside to grab my camera, rested it on the pool fence to took some pictures,
you can see the beautiful soft pink colour reflected on the water.
The reason for these stunning colours is because of those fine volcanic aerosols from the Hunga-Tonga volcanic eruption that happen over a year ago, Tara Williams in NSW also captured this pretty colour in the sky and called it her pink Easter Egg sky.
I have no idea why it’s so prevalent at the moment, could it be that our atmosphere has been bombarded with so many solar particles of late? Whatever is causing the effect it looks very pretty. From experience it wont last for very long because it seems to come and go?
My Images were taken with a Canon Power Shot GX7 Mark 11 camera on manual focus.