Wow! Venus is so bright in the evening sky and it’s at its greatest illuminated extent, shinning brilliantly at -4.7 magnitude, it’s like a lighthouse beacon in the western sky…it’s just magnificent!
To find out more about the remarkable planet Venus go to NASA’s website at:
For an in-depth scientific explanation of ‘Greatest Illuminated Extent please got to:
Title: Illuminated Extent: A Telltale Measure of an Inferior Planet's Disk
Authors: Gingrich, M.
Journal: Journal of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers, Vol. 42, p. 18-21
Bibliographic Code: 1999JALPO.42...18G
My image was taken with 10inch Meade GPS Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and a ZWO 120 MC-S camera with a 3x Barlow lens attached. An AVI movie was captured with 1400 frames, stacked in RegiStax6,
and processed in PS CS4.