So far, it’s been quite remarkable that a CME has not developed from this powerful looking object. Mind you, the aurora hunters were probably holding their breath hoping for and ejection to lighten up their night skies :-)
There is also other activity happening on the surface with a stunning long dark filament that covers nearly a third of the Suns surface in its length, and there are also prominences especially one on the western limb that has now detached and is heading away from the Suns surface…
The colour and black and white images were taken with a 80mm Lunt Solar Telescope and Canon 700D with a 2x Barlow lens and processed in RegiStack6 and PS.
The white light images (12 stacked in RegiStax6) were taken with a 127mm refractor fitted with a solar filter and Canon 700D at prime focus, exposure was 1/1000th second and ISO 200.