You will find this remarkable dark nebula not far from the bright star Alnitak, which is one of the three stars that make up the belt of Orion…It’s a swirling cloud of dark gases and dust that looks like a horses head or the Loch Ness monster if you come from Scotland...
The dark shape is caused by thick dust blocking out the starlight from behind the nebula,
mainly from the bright star Sigma Orionis.
I’ve processed the nebula a bit differently this time by using one of the artistic filters in Photoshop (dry brush) to make the image look more like a painting…just something a bit different.
Image taken with a 80mm refractor telescope and a Canon 700D camera on top of a tracking LX200 10inch Meade telescope at my Stardust Observatory at Leyburn, there were 25x 7-minute subs and 10x 7-minute darks, ISO 1600. Images were stacked in DSS and processed in PS CS4.