The Pleiades star cluster is a group of hundreds of stars that were born from the same stellar nebula about 100 million years ago and is over 400 light years away from us.
The Pleiades get there name from Greek legend and are known as the ‘Seven Sisters’ stories of them are also found in many other cultures including the indigenous peoples here in Australia.
Have a look up in the sky and see if you can spot seven or more stars in the cluster with just your eyes, make sure it's a clear dark night and I’m sure you will see them all :-)
To find out more about this amazing star cluster please go to a couple of these website below:
The images were taken at my stardust observatory at Leyburn in QLD Australia with a Meade 80mm ED Triplet refractor telescope and a Canon 70D camera. There were 25x3 minute subs and 15x3 minute darks captured which were stacked in DSS and processed in PS CS4.