Happy Stargazing :-)
~ Starry Starry Night ~
Look up and discover your night sky
I must say that I have given thousands of talks, but this one was completely different because I had to give a bit of my personal experiences for the story, which is something that I don’t usually do, but I did enjoy sharing those special moments :-)
I also discovered that a TED talk is not a talk where you teach, its purpose is to bring one really great idea to the audience that may help, challenge or created a desire for somebody to try something new in there lives, and to present it all in under 18minutes or less!!!
Also, it’s quite scary standing on that red circle, but the whole experience was just so exciting and fun. I would like to thank all the incredible people who helped out on the night, especially Karen Gunnarsson and Dani Watson the organizers of this wonderful TEDx event, for making the evening such a wonderful success for everyone that attended. I will post the link to the video here as soon as it’s ready...
Please find the YouTube link to my TEDx talk below and I hope you feel inspired to go out outside in your garden, Look up and discover your night sky :-)

tedxhelensvalelibrary.pdf |
~ TEDx Helensvale Library Event ~
Gold Coast Bulletin E-News Article on the 2nd June 2017
by Suzanne Simonot

gold_coast_tedx_talk_to_see_karl_smith_aka_the_lyrical_swap_rapping_for_public_speaking_|_gold_coast_bulletin.pdf |