From the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Eruption
This was the magnificent view outside my bedroom window when I woke up at 5.30am this morning…Wow!
Embedded within those remarkable colours from the volcanic aerosols are the rising constellations of Taurus (with Venus between the bulls horns) and Orion (The Mighty Hunter), this image was taken at 5.50am.
The second image was taken 30 minutes later at 6.20am and you can see the dramatic change in colour of the eastern sky with Venus embedded in the pink and purple crepuscular rays in the dawn sky…sunrise is still 20 minutes away at 6.40am.
The third image is just 10 minutes before the Sun rises and I’ve noticed that these volcanic aerosols form a halo around the area where it rises, also the colours get noticeable much lighter, you can still just make out Venus.
Peter Lowenstein from Zimbabwe and Tara Williams from NSW Australia are also observing this atmospheric phenomenon and regularly post their wonderful images on
My images were taken with a Canon 70D camera and a Tamron 18-400mm lens; the first image at 5.50am was an 8 second exposure with ISO200. The second image at 6.20am was an exposure of just 1/30th second and ISO200. The third image was taken at 6.28am with an exposure of 1/50th second and ISO100…. Oh, what a beautiful morning it was, I’m very happy to share my images with you :-)