After all the excitement of the past two weeks it’s quite different to see no sunspots at all on the surface of the Sun!
Viewing with the Ha solar telescope, there is still some activity happening around the limb of the Sun (west is to the top). There are some nice shaped prominences and also quite a large filament, but the rest of the surface is very very quite.
My images were taken with a Canon 7D fitted with a 2x Barlow lens and Lunt 80mm solar telescope. I use the monochrome setting in the camera for the black and white image (which gives a more contrasted view) and the colour image is close to the colour as seen in the solar telescope. Both images were a composite of two images; one for showing the surface and the other overexposed image to show the prominences.
The normal white light image was taken with a Canon 100-400 mm lens and 2x converter fitted with a glass solar filter and a tripod. Exposure time was 1/750th second and ISO 320.