What is a solar prominence; it’s a huge eruption of plasma from the edge of the Sun that we can see as the Sun rotates on its axis and we are viewing it on the limb. Solar filaments on the face of the Sun are the same objects but viewed against the Suns surface.
(Warning…please never look at the Suns surface unless you have solar filters on your telescope and lenses or are using a dedicated solar telescope, if you do, you will do permanent damage to your precious eyes)
The H-alpha images were taken with a Lunt 80mm solar telescope and a Canon 700D. The images are a composite of two images, one to capture the solar disc and the other one to capture the faint prominences. The white light image was taken with a Meade 80mm refractor with a solar filter attached to the objective lens and is just one single image.
(Eastern limb is to the top and western limb is to the bottom in the H-alpha images as seen through the telescope)