For the first time, I decided to use my little ZWO ASI 120 MC-S one shot colour camera with the Meade 8inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope for a live view of the Moon. Then all I had to do was use the hand controller to slew up and down the terminator line to show people the different features on the lunar surface on the laptop…everyone really enjoyed this.
We had a 10-day-old Moon, so the large crater Copernicus was fully on show along with Gassendi crater which was right on the terminator line showing sunrise on the crater edge and sunlit mountain peaks inside the crater. A few people even used there smart phones to take pictures of the Moon from my cameras live view screen and laptop, which I’m sure went straight onto there Facebook pages.
Please see some pictures from the event including an image I took of the full disc of the 10-day-old Moon. By the time I got around to taking the Moons image through the telescope dew and light cloud had arrived, so the image isn’t perfect,
but we were very lucky indeed to have a clear night for InOMN 2018 :-)
Images taken with a Canon 70D camera with a 10-17mm Tokina fisheye lens, movie made in windows moviemaker.