We had a beautiful clear sky all day and then those pesky clouds decided to come from nowhere and nearly spoilt our evening to look at the Moon!
A lot of members from SAS (Southern Astronomical Society) turned up to help on the night and a lot of excited people managed to get a peek of the Moon and Saturn through our large telescopes when some clear patches of night sky came through, but we had to be quick…
The Tamborine Lions Club did an outstanding job, as always, with the sausage sizzle and we were all given a yummy sausage sizzle treat too :-)
Please see below a slideshow of some images that I took on the evening that were included in the InOMN article reported by Bryan Pott and myself in our clubs newsletter and displayed by our editor Julie Lancaster for the October edition.
If you attended the SAS InOMN on the 5th October at Tamborine then please download you certificate (at the link below) and add your name to celebrate your participation in International Observe the Moon Night 2019 :-)
Main InOMN website at: