It’s the 12th of August and I’m getting ready to take some more images of Mars and the other planets with my Meade 10inch LX200 telescope and a ZWO ASI 120 MC-S colour CCD camera and just look how bright Mars is in the eastern sky…its just brilliant! Perhaps it because of the global dust storm and all the dust particles are being reflected back to us here on Earth!
I don’t have a lot of viewing area here at home with just a small gap between our house and the house next door. But the ecliptic is right in the middle of this gap, so I’m so happy to have been able to take so many pictures of the planets during this fantastic opposition of Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Venus :-)
I just love this little ZWO ASI 120 MC-S colour CCD camera, it does an amazing job of capturing detail on the surface of the planets and I would recommend it to anybody wishing to take planetary images.