There were two very interesting large sunspot groups on the surface of the Sun today. The one to the north AR3559 is huge and comprises of two active areas, the other group AR3561 that is heading toward the western limb has lots of these little sunspots breaking out, it may even be interacting with AR3555…. quite unusual to see ☺ ☺ ☺
The images were taken with a Skywatcher 80mm refractor telescope with a glass solar filter attached and a Canon 700D camera with a 2x Barlow lens. 25 images were stacked in RegiStax6 and processed in PS…. exposure time 1/640th second & ISO200.
HYPERACTIVE SUNSPOT: The sun is crackling with solar flares, and almost all of them are coming from hyperactive sunspot AR3561. There have been more than a dozen M-class eruptions in the past day and a half:
NOAA forecasters estimate a 75% chance of more M-class flares on Jan. 24th. Make that 100%. We've already observed two. How many will there be when the day is over?