We are having a lot of cloudy weather here in Queensland, so I’ve not had many days to capture any images, but today the 17th November I managed to take some images with the solar telescope. When I started to take some images with the refractor for a white light image the clouds come over again…. and that was the end of that!!
Please find an image below; I’ve used the one that I captured with the monochrome setting on my camera as it shows quite clearly the active areas around the dark sunspots where flares are happening.
There are also two active prominences on the eastern limb, with quite a large one rotating into view that seems to be associated with a filament that is just on the limb. There is also a very large delicate spray prominence on the north-western limb that is very fine in detail.
My images were taken with a Lunt 80mm solar telescope and Canon 700D camera that was on the monochrome setting, there are 45 images that were stacked in RegiStack6 and slightly processed in PS CS4.
Exposure times were 1/80th second and ISO800, the solar telescope is also tracking on a HEQ5 Pro mount.