There is a very large active Sunspot group called AR 3038 that has doubled in size over the last 24 hours which is very unstable with a ‘beta-gamma’ magnetic field.
Some solar photographers that submit to have even been able to capture those elusive Ellerman bombs interactions inside this sunspot area, please see an excellent image taken by Richard N Schrantz from Nicholasvilla in the USA.
I’ve also captured some of that activity but am limited by the small 60mm aperture of my solar telescope to see the delicate detail.
To read more about Ellerman bombs, please go to an article called:
Multiwavelength spectropolarimetric observations of an Ellerman bomb By: R Rezaei and C Beck at:
I also picked up a small solar flare from new sunspot AR 3040 on the eastern side of the Sun along with some active prominences firing away.
My images were captured on the 22nd June and is a composite photo of two sets of images taken with a Lunt 60mm solar telescope with a Canon 700D camera attached tracked on a HEQ Pro mount.
One set of 20 images was taken of the disc with an exposure of 1/320th second and ISO200, and one set of 20 images taken for the faint prominences with and exposure of 1/15th second and ISO200. The images were stacked in RegiStax6 and processed and combined in PS CS4.