Our neighbours across the road have just put up all there outside Christmas lights and I thought it would be a lovely idea to capture this wonderful event and make a picture with the heavenly lights also above there house…. and I did it :-)
In the second image below, I moved away to under the trees, the sky was so clear you could even see the tiny pinpoint lights of Jupiter’s Moon beside the planet!
My images taken with a Canon 70D camera and a Tamron 18-400mm lens, exposure time for the first image was 1.6 seconds and ISO400. The second image was using the same camera setup with an exposure time of 4 seconds and ISO 500.
To read more about this once in 20-year event when Jupiter and Saturn will be just about on top on one another on the 21st December 2020 (As viewed from our line of sight here on Earth).
Please find some links to a couple of excellent articles below:
Jupiter and Saturn come together in a 'once in a lifetime' show in the December sky
ABC Science by Genelle Weule
If you haven’t seen Jupiter and Saturn, you’re missing something!
Posted by Deborah Byrd and Bruce McClure:
If you would like some help on taking some images please go to NASA’s link at:
Please enjoy this wonderful event :-)