There is an optical feature that you can view at this phase and it’s one of the famous lunar X’s, but you’ll have to be quick to see it as it’s only on show for about 4 hours, after that the whole area will be lit up by the Sun and the phenomenon will be gone!
It’s really just an optical phenomena caused by the Suns light falling onto the rims of the three craters, Blanchinus, La Caille and Purbach. (You’ll see the lunar X near just coming into view on the terminator line on the marked image)
These images were taken at a club viewing night with my Meade 8inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and a Canon 700D camera at prime focus. Exposure times were 1/250th second and ISO 400 and their were 10 images sacked in Registax6 and processed in PS CS4.