There is a very active eruptive prominence on lower limb of the Sun with the area around the large sunspot group AR 2978 alive with activity on the surface. AR 2975 & AR2976 are now close to the western limb and rotating out of view, so far no active prominences have been seen in my time zone.
There are also a couple of long filaments on the surface of the Sun. I’ve just seen on that one of these large filaments just opened up into ‘A Canyon of Fire’!
Wow… a filament of magnetism whipsawed out of the suns’ atmosphere that carved a canyon at least 20.000km high and 200,000 km long…Wow, now that is power!
My images were taken with a Lunt 60mm PT solar telescope and a Canon 700D camera with a 2x Barlow lens attached. Two sets of images were taken one for the solar disc and one for the prominences and combined in PS.
The best exposure times that I use with this camera are for the solar disc 1/320th second and ISO200, for the prominences 1/15th second and ISO200 and I take about 30 images in a continuous burst then stack in RegiStax6 and process in PS CS4.