We’ve had lots of cloudy weather here for many weeks with an active Cyclone still off our coastline called Cyclone Seth. The last time I saw the comet was on the 19th December when it was very small and faint.
(Please see my previous post)
I had to take these pictures from home where there are a lot of urban lights, but it didn’t matter as I could just make out the comet in the western sky and capture it with my camera…. Wow, it’s got such a long tail :-D
First image was taken with a Canon 70D and a Canon 70-200mm lens @ 140mm, 25 x 4 second images captured with corresponding dark frames that were stacked in DSS with ISO3200.
The second image shows you how light the sky was and how low the comet is at 8.30pm, its just one image taken with the same lens set at 70mm, with a 10second exposure and ISO1600.