This stunning area of the sky has many thousands of stars, but this new nova was very bright and stood out ever so clearly next to another pale yellow star near the Eta Carina nebula.
The All Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae only discovered this Nova on The 20th March and I took this image on the 15th April when it has brightened quite considerably…it will be interesting to see what happens in the coming weeks!
I took the images on the 15th April 2018 with a Canon 70D camera and a Canon 70-200mm F2.8 lens with the ISO at 1600. The camera was piggybacked on a tracking 10inch Meade LX200 telescope in the early hours of the 15th April 2018. There were ten 3-minute images with corresponding dark frames stacked in DSS and processed in PS CS3. The image presented has been cropped to show the Nova and the Eta Carina nebula.