8th August 2020
I was asked by Ms Weule to contribute some of my astronomy images for her article on the August night sky. Please click on the image above or go to the link below to read the story.
These are some of the amazing objects you will find in the sky this month and whether you have a small or a large telescope they will be a delight to view, especially the beautiful planets Jupiter & Saturn. Why don’t you try taking some wide field images of them with just your camera and lens on a tripod…now that would be fun!
Dylan O’Donnell who’s a good friend and fellow SAS member has also showcased some of his stunning images to the article. To see more of Dylan’s images please go to his Instagram account at: https://www.instagram.com/dylan_odonnell_/?hl=en
Dylan also has a fantastic YouTube channel at:
I hope you all enjoy the story and find the time to hop off the lounge, open the door, walk outside and look up to see the beauty of the night sky…Happy Stargazing, Noeleen :-)