There was an extremely active prominence on the north eastern limb of the Sun late in the afternoon on the 21st February 2022.
When I showed this picture to my husband he smiled and said it looks like a shark cruising around the limb of the Sun with its big fin :-D
You can just make out the active old sunspot AR 2936 returning on the eastern limb that has been re-numbered AR2954. There are also a few interesting looking filaments and active flares on the surface of the solar surface, its now getting so exciting looking at the Sun!
The images were captured with a Lunt 60mm solar scope and a Canon 700D camera with a 2x Barlow lens attached. 30 images were captured one set for the solar disc and one set for the faint prominences and combined in PS CS4….
The DSLR camera settings for the disc of Sun was exposure of 1/320th second and ISO100, for the faint prominences the exposure was 1/15th second and ISO 200.