Images taken with SeeStar telescope with solar filter
The detail on the surface of the Sun (with attached solar filter) is quite amazing for such a small instrument;
you can also zoom in to 2x & 4x as shown with AR 3738 in the image posted.
I’m comparing this to a 80mm or 127mm refractor! Not only are the sunspots more detailed, within just a few minutes the unit had found the Sun and I was taking images without all the work of aligning a telescope mount and attaching a camera.
But there is a down side to this little telescope; the captured images are very small file sizes at only on average 100 KB (1920 x 1080) resolution, which is a shame.
I had to download the JPG images from the iPhone to the computer, then did my normal processing of stacking 15 images in RegiStax6 and processing them in PS. (I’ll also need to learn how to capture a AVI movie file)
Will I use it again to take pictures of the Sun, you bet I will because of the clear detail it shows on the solar surface, its portability and quick setup time.
It’s a little beauty and will add greatly to my love of observing our Sun in white light :-)